Reflections on Holy Communion

King Nebuchadnezzar

King Nebuchadnezzar

Here at the Lord’s table, we celebrate Jesus’ victory on the cross, when he won forgiveness for our sin.  To look at this further, please think for a moment of what you remember of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, who features in the book of Daniel.  Chapter 3 tells of...

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Amazon Water Lily

Amazon Water Lily

Many years ago I read an amusing article that reminds me of a key part of what we celebrate here at the Lord's Table.  It was by a writer who had gone on a long and arduous journey to Guyana in South America.  His group faced many hardships with the jungle and the...

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World of Terror and Fear

World of Terror and Fear

At this table we celebrate the miracle of forgiveness that Jesus won for us through his sacrifice at Calvary.  This bread signifies his body, and this cup his blood, shed for us on the cross.  Now like me, you may have skeptical friends who demand to know exactly how...

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Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

The wonderful news we celebrate here at the Lord’s table, is that Jesus is our Saviour. Yet that news is so often misunderstood or ignored. Most of you will know the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh, from the late 19th century; his most famous work is...

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John Newton

John Newton

Many years ago at the Art Gallery I saw a special display of modern art, in which some of the more interesting exhibits were made of old rubbish. The ones I liked most were some wall mounted works made from things that can cause painful injuries, like rusted...

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Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards

This is the first Sunday of the new year, but it is also the last day of Christmas, the 12th day.  In the church calendar it is known as Epiphany, and it marks the coming of the wise men from the East to worship Jesus at Bethlehem. I like Christmas cards showing the...

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Steptoe and Son

Steptoe and Son

John 8:31 is a verse packed with meaning, it reads, “Jesus said ‘Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. That verse reminds me of what was my favourite TV show of 55 years ago, a comedy called Steptoe and Son. It showed a father and son who had...

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Witch of Endor

Witch of Endor

Next Saturday is pageant day, so Christmas is not far away. I like Christmas, sharing time and gifts with family and friends, whether or not they share our Christian faith, they are still very dear to me.  And leading up to Christmas we will see public gestures of...

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Tower of Babel

Tower of Babel

The importance of this Communion meal is shown by one of my favourite Old Testament stories, from very ancient times, of the Tower of Babel in Genesis, chapter 11.  I remember it well from my Sunday School days, building a tall tower is what we young boys dreamt of....

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