Reflections on Holy Communion



I really enjoy Christmas – the decorations and lights, food, gift giving, and catching up with family and friends. But Christmas time also leads me back to the start of the bible, when God called Abram (later Abraham) to leave his country, his people, family and...

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There is a painting by the French artist Paul Gauguin which has the longest and most interesting title that I know – it’s called “Where Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going?”The painting doesn’t give any answers to those ultimate questions of life, and...

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The Most Terrible Plague

The Most Terrible Plague

Earlier this year, during the worst of the Covid lockdown, like me, you were probably very grateful to have large transparent windows, to see out to the wider world, and to fill your house with daylight.And we had phones and the internet to stop us being isolated, so...

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Covid Disaster

Covid Disaster

We are told by the media that this year has been the worst ever in Australia, that we’ve had unprecedented fires and floods, and now this virus. But once again, the media have got it wrong. Our bushfires of nine years ago killed five times as many people as our fires...

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Feeding the Five Billion

Feeding the Five Billion

Here we celebrate the miracle of Jesus on the cross, where he won our forgiveness, and saved us from sin and death. How do we respond to this? And when people go about their activity in this world, does it matter what they believe?  Let's look at one example. It’s...

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Captain’s Table

Captain’s Table

Our Lord Jesus instituted this meal, so it is from God. But with these plain old plates and cups, and simple bread and juice, where do we see its divine nature?That’s easier to see if we think of what this meal would be like if it had been devised by man. Twenty years...

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New Geometries

New Geometries

The wonderful events we celebrate at Christmas, we also celebrate every week at this table.  That Jesus, although almighty God, came in human form as a helpless babe to live amongst us.  And on the cross, he took upon himself the death that was the penalty for our...

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Here at the Lord’s Table we celebrate the miracle of Jesus’ victory on the cross, when he sacrificed himself for the forgiveness of our sin, and reconciled us to God. And His victory completely changes how we view this world. I saw an example of a distorted world view...

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Christ Present With Us

Christ Present With Us

Here at the Lord’s Table we focus upon Jesus sacrifice on the cross, when he took upon himself the pain and suffering due to our sin, and the sin of all mankind.He suffered death in our place, as he took the guilt of our sin upon himself to the grave. He was our...

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