Useful Links and References:
Since starting to set up this website, I have been very pleased to find a wide variety of sources of Christian reflection, discussion, and references on the internet.
Unfortunately, this variety of views can be confusing for people who want an answer to the simple question of “what Christians believe?” But these links may help you to dig deeper into questions of faith, and to resolve questions about problems with the modern church.
If you have other links you would like to share, please enter them in the comments below.
Journeying with Thomas Aquinas — Bishop Robert Barron: YouTube
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Robert Barron is a prelate of the Catholic Church who has served as bishop of Winona–Rochester since 2022. He founded the Word on Fire organization, which presents commentaries on faith and culture, as well as weekly sermons.
Augustine vs. Satre on the Difference God Makes — Peter Kreeft: YouTube
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Peter Kreeft is a professor of philosophy at Boston College, and has authored over eighty books on Christian philosophy, theology and apologetics.
C S Lewis — Mere Christianity: from NTS Library
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Mere Christianity is a Christian apologetical book by the British author C. S. Lewis. It was adapted from a series of BBC radio talks made between 1941 and 1944.
NTS Library
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The NTS Library site has Christian pdf books provided by the Northwestern Theological Seminary and Northwestern Christian University
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Matthew Everhard has produced a series of YouTube videos warning about this trend, and a book entitled, “Worshiptainment; The Modern Church’s Golden Calf”.
An early pioneer of the trend was Robert Schuller, with his Crystal Cathedral and the Hour of Power television broadcast, but this led to some bizarre examples which he shows in those videos. I think these examples may have some value when used as outreach to catch people’s attention, but when used as worship they are a barrier to hearing truth.
Taylor Alesia (The Bible Chick) channel on YouTube
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John Lennox and Richard Dawkins discuss the existence of God: YouTube
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Richard Dawkins is well known for his promotion of atheism, but John Lennox is not so famous. He is retired as a Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University, a bioethicist, and Christian apologist, and has written many books on religion, ethics, and the relationship between science and God. Videos of his talks are located in various sites on YouTube, and can be found by searching for his name.
See the home page for John Lennox
Kent Hovind – Why use the King James Version: YouTube
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Regardless of whether Ken’s presentation style appeals to you, the content of his discussion about the confusing array of modern bible versions is worth hearing. And his case is confirmed by William Barclay’s note to his commentary on John (pp 290 – 292 of volume 2, 1975) concerning the omission from “early manuscripts” of John 7:53 -8:11 on the woman taken in adultery.