Creeds and Other Statements of Belief
Why creeds and statements of faith?
If you accept that:
- Christian belief is a journey in life, with new understanding being given each time you read the bible, and with each new challenge in life (bible ref:);
- the Holy Spirit has been given to speak individually to every believer, to help them along the way by giving meaning appropriate to their circumstances and level of understanding (bible ref:);
- the nature and ways of God are infinite, beyond human understanding, so they cannot be contained within human words and concepts (bible ref:);
Then why would we want to try the impossible task of reducing the infinite nature of God, and our relationship with him, into limited human words?
The result must surely be misleading, divisive, and to some extent a projection of our own limited human thinking?
Would it not be wiser to refer only to what Christians believe is what God has revealed for us to know — the bible itself?
Paul conveyed a warning about false teachers in 2 Corinthians 11:13, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ”, and he referred to them as Satan’s ministers.
He also spoke of the importance of sound doctrine, and the tendency of mankind to turn away from it; 2 Timothy 4:4, “they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables”.
I suggest that creeds and doctrine are useful as reference documents, to help protect people from false teaching and fables, and also as a help to memory.
But these human documents, are no substitute for genuine faith, and they cannot convey its depth of meaning.
They do not have the divine authority that I hope you will grow to see in the bible.